Pack of Women

Kaleigh Scott
2 min readDec 24, 2020

Sisters, sisters come forth and hear my call. I feel the wound of the Mother in us all. In every woman I have ever met — inside is a broken daughter beset. They took our power and left us at war with each other. They took our power and made us enemies with each other. They took our power and left us out in the cold, alone, to fend only for ourselves. We are like a pack of wolves who have turned against each other fighting for the one piece of meat left after a cold winter. NO MORE I say. For today is the day we turn the tide. Today is the day that we take our power back by banding together and going after the biggest sheep of the flock. For a pack of wolves when fighting together are a force to be reckoned with and the sheep stand no chance. They won’t even see us coming, they won’t even hear the distant drums drumming. They will be sitting at their tables laughing with beer in hand congratulating each other for the last year they ran the race and won first place as they always do because they believe they are the most powerful gender in the human race. They don’t see us — so they don’t see us coming with our power in hand ready to wreak havoc like the damn Taliban. What is the greatest threat to the world in 2020? It’s not the Corona Virus it’s the women running. Hear me woman — hear my call for tonight we band together once and for all — for us all. For all the women who died with no voice, for all the mothers who hurt their daughters because they had no other choice — for all the daughters giving away their power — to all the grandmothers in their final hour. Tonight we run to the sound of the drum, drum, drum and NO they never do hear us come.



Kaleigh Scott

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.