Octopus Ink

Kaleigh Scott
1 min readJul 21, 2024

Who are you? The one who makes me rush in everything I do. The one who says I can’t do all the things I know I can do. The one who tells me I’m not good enough and that no one likes me. The one who tells me that I should just give up that I will never be free. Who are you? I don’t recognize you at all. You are always trying to make me feel so small. When you’re talking to me I don’t recognize myself at all. You make me think that there’s no point to any of this, that I will never find happiness and bliss. You make me think that I am a piece of shit. I would say I hate you but I’ve learned better than to do that. I want to tell you I love you — even though I don’t know your name, even though sometimes it feels like those words are said in vain — I say it again and again and again — I love you, I love you, I love you…until the blood stained tears drop from my eyes for the last time, I love you — you are Mine.



Kaleigh Scott

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.