Empress of Darkness

Kaleigh Scott
1 min readJun 13, 2021

Image by Bastien LeCouffe Deharme via https://deharme.artstation.com/projects/2xwOkK.

In the Shadow cast by his Darkness there I stood; wings spread wide, shining bright with sparkles of eternal fairy dust. I saw the truth of my beauty meshed in the contrast of his despair. I belong where my light will be magnified, where my magic will be matched, and where my beauty will be honored.

I make my heart a sanctuary for which kindness is the entry fee. I make my life a fortress for which integrity is the key to enter. I make my soul a cave for which depth is required to find. I make my happiness a force field for which enlightenment is magnetic.

I am a Sacred Dwelling Place that can only be entered through the test of the Divine Halls of Judgement and the trials of the pits of Hell. There I sit on my throne as the Empress of the depths of my Soul, in the darkness I own- feeling utter peace, happiness, tranquility and full of life. My energy is a gift only received by those with an earnest desire to grow, learn, explore, work hard and leave the past behind.



Kaleigh Scott

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.