A Farewell to Predestination

Kaleigh Scott
5 min readDec 24, 2020

Predestination you are one of the greatest thieves of joy. You convince me that there is always a better way to do things. When I decide to go one way or do something I am constantly wondering if I have made the “right” decision. You convince me that there is some entity watching my every move and judging the rightness of them. I am always wondering if what I am doing is good enough or if I should have done something else instead. I have this deep down belief that there is a life I am supposed to be living that is the best life for me and if I can just do things the right way and get to the right place I will have arrived at that place. I can’t seem to be proud of the good things I do that are right, and I definitely can’t seem to really enjoy the things I do that I want to do.

The truth is that nothing is written in stone anywhere and that is the best part of life. We have never done this life before and we will never do it again. The most badass part is that everything we do creates our reality in real time. We have no idea what we are doing but everything we do builds on itself and creates the life we are living now and influences our lives in the future. What a huge beautiful gift! My God — how can the religion for the masses seek to take away what I consider the best part of life? I don’t think it was meant to, I don’t think it was written that — but it certainly has been interpreted that…



Kaleigh Scott

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.